Does your bank ask you for data via email? Don’t be taken in by these messages!


Fake bank websites look almost identical to banks’ official websites. These websites often have a pop-up window for entering login details, but banks’ official websites do not use pop-up windows. These websites usually have:

  • a poor design: be careful of websites that are poorly designed or show spelling and grammar mistakes;
  • pop-up windows: these are often used to collect sensitive information. Do not click on them or enter personal information.
  • urgent messages: you will not find urgent messages on your bank’s actual website;

What should you do?


Never click on links in emails that purportedly lead to the bank's website.


Always connect manually or use an existing link from a bookmarked website


Use a browser that allows you to block pop-up windows.


If your bank really needs to bring something important to your attention, it will notify you when you access your Internet banking app.

If you have any doubts, call your bank.